Compiling and deploying the Contract


Ensure that you have selected the right complier & environment:

  • Complier version: Select 0.8.24+commit.e11b9ed9 as the complier version.

  • Environment: Select Injected Provider - Metamask as the environment to deploy the code.

After deploying the code, you should see a tab like this:

When inputs are of type bytes, it generally means that a ciphertext is expected. To generate ciphertexts for testing you can use our tool at (Please make sure that your wallet is connected to Inco Network).


  • Compile the ERC-20 contract to Inco Gentry Testnet:

npx hardhat compile --network inco
  • Test the ERC-20 contract to Inco Gentry Testnet:

npx hardhat test --network inco
  • Deploy the ERC-20 contract to Inco Gentry Testnet:

npx hardhat deploy --network inco

You should see an output like this:

  • Run the mint task on the Inco Gentry Testnet Network

npx hardhat task:mint --mint 1000 --account alice --network inco

(For more control over the deployment process, you can rewrite the deployment script (deploy.ts) and use the command npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts --network inco to deploy your contracts.)

Last updated